Thursday, January 19, 2017

1/17/17 - PREZI Reflection

  • Which tool do you think is easier to use? Why?
  • Which tool creates the more effective presentations? Explain.
  • Is there a specific presentation time when one tool would be better than the other? Explain.
  • Which tool would you choose to use the next time you create a presentation?

  1. For me personally, I have a better time using Prezi because it doesn't have as many functions as PowerPoint. I find the simpler the better for me.
  2. I think they're both equal in effectiveness. I think that PowerPoint would be a little more professional, because it's easy to share through email and work on Google Docs.
  3. I think Prezi is good for connecting ideas together because you can move in any direction. Prezi can be used like a flow chart. I would use PowerPoint to make multiple points that can come to a conclusion.
  4. It really depends on what I'm trying to achieve. If it is a group project, then definitely PowerPoint, but it was more laid back like this one, I would chose Prezi again.
Finished Prezi

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