Thursday, March 2, 2017

3/02/17 Infographic Peer Feedback

Provide me with a quick overview of the student Infographics you viewed for this assignment.  In your reflection to me, provide the student name & 1-2 things you liked/learned by looking at their infographic. Finally, did you enjoy this project?

Alli C - Her infographic was over feminism and how it applied to social, economical and political equality of the sexes. I learned that I forgot to add my works sited directly on the infographic, I have them linked in my notes. I liked that she picked a topic that she is passionate about.

Haleema S - He topic was comparing detectives and agents. She picked a creative topic that I didn't already know something about, and that made hers one of the more interesting. He layout was lacking in some places, but it was overall easily followed.
Lauren S - Her topics was comparing the gender divide on several topics. She picked a topic that was really good to show statistics on which was a good move, I also enjoyed her layout and color scheme.
Lexi B - Her topic was Kleinfield Bridal store. She was able to provide a lot of information on her topic, and visually it was easy to follow along with.
Jordan F - His infographic was comparing Pepsi and Coke. He had quite a few good graphics, although, his color scheme and layout lacked in comparison to the others that I looked at.

Overall, I liked this project because we were given some guidelines, but we really were able to make the project out own. The teacher didn't ask to approve our topics, which made it more fun for me personally because I needed more time to commit to a topic. The aspect of this assignment that I enjoyed the most was that it was self-paced, and was very personalized. If we were given a topic to work off of, I don't think that this assignment would have been as effective as it was. I am happy that I have acquired this skill to take with me to other classes and future assignments.

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