Monday, April 17, 2017

4/17/17 - App Presentations review

Name of App
Name of Student
What you found interesting
How will you use this app?
Photo sharing, social bookmarking, social media
I would use this app in order to accumulate visual aids to creating a project
Creates/helps take notes, sets reminders, helps in everyday life
I would use this in place of carrying around a physical planner
Online shopping stores near you, deals in stores, with a scanner to show prices
I would use this app to help me save money when I start living on my own
Track engagements, schedule times, bookmark, schedule tweets/Facebook posts
I would use this app to keep my show dates, rehearsals, and other dates that are important to me.
College/high school calendar,notifications, homework & study dates
I would use this app to keep on top of my homework assignments so I wouldn’t forget to turn something in

I think overall, this assignment was very useful. Before listening to others talk about their apps, I would never have thought of using a “mobile planner”. I am a pen and paper kind of girl, but now I am interested in finding a mobile version of a planner, and see how it works for me. I think I’m going to try out Evernote first.

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