Tuesday, February 14, 2017

2/13/17 Sweet Heart Weekend / More Canva

Tell me about your Sweetheart weekend.  Did you attend the game at Southwest?   How about the dance?  If you didn't go to sweetheart, what did you do?  Please attach a picture or 2 from your phone that tells me about your weekend.

Over the weekend I did not go to sweet heart. I worked in the mornings until 3 both Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday night, I finished the painting for my boyfriend's Valentine's day present. It is a painting from the T.V show Spongebob called "Bold and Brash". Squidward painted it to show to an art critic in one episode and it became a meme a while ago. I thought it would be funny and nostalgic. Then on Sunday night I went to my Grandma's 74th birthday. We made her dinner and a bunch of chocolate strawberries.

  • Select three different types of documents to create that you might be able to use in your school or personal life
  • Once you have completed them, post them to your blog & explain how you will use each one.

I would use this if I were to get a LinkedIn or any social media really. It would help make my profile look more professional.
I could use this to set my blog apart from the others and make it more unique.
I need to find a time to teach the younger people in the theater department how to do makeup. After I leave I'm not sure there is someone who is well versed in the theatrical makeup department, so I would use this to send out an invitation and get that started.

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