Thursday, February 2, 2017

1/30 Ted Talk Reflection

This is a topic that once it was brought to my attention, I defiantly see this problem everywhere. Trying to get the attention of my friends or family while they are glued to their devices is hard. My family doesn't spend a ton of time face to face, we spend time Snap-chatting each other in the same room, or sharing Instagram posts that we think the other will like. After hearing this, I think that I'm going to make a more conscious effort to spend face to face time, especially with my sisters, before I go to college. I think that spending time that doesn't involve technology creates richer and more memorable experiences to remember together. I think this will have a negative impact on society. The fact that technology is taking away from real and personable connections is really sad. I think that eventually meeting new people in real life will be something that is just not desirable anymore, and the relationships that we have built are not deep ones.

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